Fra le scarpe più resistenti della linea HOKA, Bondi si è evoluta con decisione in questa stagione: è stata rielaborata con schiume più morbide e leggere e una nuovissima geometria con tallone ampliato. Grazie a un effetto ondulato, l’imbottitura antiurto posteriore garantisce un’esperienza d’uso incredibilmente morbida e bilanciata, dall’impatto del tallone alla transizione all’avampiede.
È diversa perché: Bondi 8 presenta le principali caratteristiche per le prestazioni ma migliorate, con un tallone ampliato, una nuovissima schiuma e una linguetta imbottita.
Good Afternoon,
My name is Megan, from The Akira Team – I just noticed your website through your Entireweb Website Listing, and wanted to get in touch with you right away.
We have a special offer for your website today, and that is 1st Page Rankings in all major search engines (That’s Google, Yahoo and Bing) + social media and video commercial advertising starting at just $29.99 which I am ABSOLUTELY certain will benefit your website and business, by bringing you LOTS of new customers, very very quickly.
Visit if you want your website to be at the TOP of Google, Yahoo and Bing, AND we can get you started immediately. Or visit in the next 12 hours for a HUGE half price offer + your 2nd year free of charge.
I look forward to hearing back from you.
The Akira Team
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